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ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems


Planning your ISO 14001 or ISO 9001 Management System can be seen as a daunting task - it isn't, but it does need thinking about to make sure that it's going to fit your business and help you perform better and stand out from the crowd

We can help you combine the two and make it sensible and useful. 


Plan what you want to do - proper planning and preparation prevents poor performance - it will save you time and money in the long run.


Do what you've planned to do - make sure your actions are recorded and the results saved


Check your results against what you were expecting to happen - find out why the results differed from your expectations - understand this and you've got it licked.


Act on your results - there's no point doing any of this if you don't put into place actions that you've learnt from - this looks at improving your long term peformance and making the system sustainable and profitable. 

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